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   Try for free 25/1

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Welcome to Open House
Saturday 25/1

Try our classes for free at Open House. It is a great opportunity to learn more about the different dances and to get to know our way of teaching and see other interested students.

Even experienced dancers are of course welcome. Help us show how fun and exciting it is to dance with someone who already knows how to dance. Come and say hello and inpire our new friends in the studio, in the lessons and also at the social dance afterwards. Alos join us for a relaxing yoga session in between!

No previous experience is neccessary and you can come alone or with your friends. Everything is for free.

You can help our planning by pre signing to Open House and we will thank you with an exciting gift!

See you on the dance floor!

Drabanten, Bangårdsg. 13 (near the train station).

Sharing Is Caring:
Facebook event

Schema / Schedule
14.00Bugg & Foxtrot
15.00Argentinsk tango
17.00Salsa & Merengue
After Dark - Kvällens tema: foxtrot, tango, salsa. Socialdansa och ha kul med det som du lärt dig under dagen! Läs mer!

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 © Copyright 2025 Studio-K                                                  Sitemap Updated 2025-02-10