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   Children & families


   Yoga, Massage, Hälsa


   Argentinian Tango & Blues

   Bugg, Waltz, Foxtrot

   Salsa, Zouk, Latin

      Salsa - 1
      Salsa - Improver
      Salsa - 2

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 Music suggestions

  Grupper & artister
  Kubansk salsa
  Calle Real
  Cesar Pedroso
  Charanga Habanera
  Cuco Valoy
  El rubio loco
  El zorro
  El zun zun de la salsa
  Elio Revé
  Habana power band
  Los Van Van
  Maikel Blanco
  Manolito y su trabuco
  NG la banda
  Tirso Duarte
  Willie Colon
  Yuri Buenaventura

  Linjestil salsa
  Adulescents Orquesta
  Celia Cruz
  Eddie Palmieri
  El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico
  Frankie Negron
  Fruko Sos Tesos
  La India
  Oscar D’León
  Puerto Rican Power
  Sonoby 4
  Tito Nieves
  Tito Puente
  Tito Rodrigues
  Wayne Gorbea

Salsa - Improver
Cuban salsa + Rueda de Casino + LA style salsa

Many courses? Get our economic Gold card and go to as many courses that you want for free this semester!

 Hours, prices, sign up etc.  Music suggestions

Salsa LA style - social dancing

Cuban salsa

Rueda de Casino

This course is for you who already dance salsa and who want to learn more of technique, steps, turns, musicality and communication in the dance.

This is the level where we will learn the more advanced elements in Cuban style salsa as well as LA style and Rueda de Casino. Since there is so much to learn you are welcome to take lessons at this level (intermediate-advanced) several semesters. Although the course name will remain the same its content will be different each semester depending on the actual needs and interest of the participents. The lessons contain both easier and more challanging excersises so that everyone can develop efficiently at their own pace.

Drop in
If you can not participate on regular basis you are also welcome to dropin to the classes together with a partner and just pay the class fee of 150kr/person.

Bien venidos!
Tell your friends!
Maybe they want to go this class with you?
Write their emails here seperated with comma "," :

Has taken other courses in this dance before.

Class description
Coming soon / Is handed out in the class

Age limits
From 14 years.

Between 20:00 and 21:00
10 Mondays in total 10.0 hours

The course starts: 5/2
Finishes: 22/4

Breaks: Sports vacation 19th to 25th of February. Easter vacation 1st of April until 7th of April.

Sal 1 på Drabanten Dansens Hus.
Please see the map.

Participation fee
- Children: 0 kr
- Full time students or youth up to 18 years old: 1195 kr
- Others: 1295 kr

A membership fee of 100kr is added. This fee is payed only once per year.

Offers & Discounts
  • Many courses? Get our economic Gold card and go to as many courses that you want for free this semester!
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