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Common questions

Conditions for payment
Please read our conditions for payment before signing up for a course.

Prices, discounts, Where & When?
The courses vary in cost depending on how long they are. They are held at different locations. Please click on the courses that you are interested in on the menu to the left to read more about the prices, locations, discounts, hours etc.

You can also see an overview of all the discounts here.

How can I have an overview of all the courses and locations?
Please see our schedule!

When does the next course start?
In the menu on your left you can see the actual course starts. The Autumn semester is between September and December and the Spring semester is between January and May. You can see the schedule for the courses about one month in advance. During the semester some additional courses will be added or removed if they have to few participtens. If you want us to keep you informed about upcoming events and courses please sign up for our newsletter.

Are there places left in the course?
Once you have signed up for a course you will receive an answer by email letting you know.

Gold Card
If you would like to dance alot we recommand you to buy our feasable Gold card. With that you can participate in all our courses. Please read more.

What is the corect level for me?
We hope that you will experience "flow" in the lessons. You will get this feeling when constantly learning to manage challanges that are not too easy and not too difficult. If you choose a level too simpel you will become bored. A too difficult level will make you irritated on your self, the teacher and the rest of the group.

At the same time it is difficult to compere the skills of different dancers. One dancer might be good at remembering steps but be having difficulties with the music. Another could have good ear for the music but lack the techniqual skills or maybe dancing fine by his/her own but not being able to communicate with the partner. That is why we offer a range of different excersises in the class so that everybody can feel the "flow" when developing the qualities they need most.

If you are new at Studio-K but have been dancing before you can always visit us at the practice hours so that we can help you choosing a suitable level.
  • Level 1 is the beginners courses for you who are completely new in the dance. Here we will learn the most important basics which the following courses will build on. You can often repeat the Level - 1 courses for free or for discounted prices, for example if you want to feel more secure about the course content or if you feel a bit out of shape after not dancing for a while.
  • The intermediate level replaces the former courses on level 2,3 and intermediate. You can join this course once you have completed the beginners course. We learn different things from course to course and mix easy exercises with difficults one. The new students learn from the more experienced. You can participate in the intermediate level during several semesters and learn the most important elements of the dance.
  • Team courses are for you who have good knowledge of the dance and who would like to practice more passionatly to become really good and maybe start giving shows. We will continue work with all the aspects of the dance including the artistic expression.
How do I sign up?
You can sign up for the courses that you are interested in by chossing a course description on the menu to the left. Further down on each site you can fill in the application for the class.

Your application is not binding. Within a few days you will receive an answer by email and you will know if you have been accepted to the course or if you are placed on a waiting list.

It is also possible to sign up at the first lesson. However there is a risk that the class may be full by then. Please contact us if for some reason you can not sign up through the website.

How do I pay?
We will send you instructions via email when you are accepted into a course. Please read our conditions for payment first.

Why email?
During the course we often need to communicate with our students through email. This is, for example, how you find out about a change of schedule, payment instructions, passwords to instruction videos, etc. Therefore please make sure that your and your partner's email are correctly written. Please contact us if you have not received an email within a week. Then there is probably something wrong with your email address.

No email?
You can get a free email account at Yahoo or Hotmail. You can access these emails easily from all the computers at home and at work.

If you do not want to use email in your communication with us we can not guarantee that you will receive all information on time. Then you have to find the information by contacting us or reading the "News" on the first page.

Repeating a course
If you feel that you want to repeat a course, assuming there is enough space and the leader/follower ratio permits it, you are welcome to repeat the course for free! You can also attend a course at a lower level in the same way.

The solo dances and all the courses from level intermediate and up are exceptions from this since you will learn new material in each new course. Read more here.

Our ambition is to have the same number of leaders and followers in the courses where you dance in couples. We therefore accept those who sign up as couples first. We accept the others according to the waiting list as soon as we find a partner for them.

Please help us find a partner for your self by asking among your friends! You can also make a search for a partner which usually works well. Usually we need more leaders. With joined forces usually we manage to find enough partners so that everybody who has signed up for the class can attend.

In the classes we encourage regular changing of partners after each dance. This is a valuable tool that enables students to learn to lead/follow much better. It also ensures equal dancing opportunity for everyone, even if someone's partner cannot make a class. In this way the lessons also become more social and interesting. Most students appreciate this method of teaching, but we are willing to make exceptions for couples who have special reasons for only wanting to dance with each other.

Who can lead?
It has become more and more popular to learn to follow as well as to lead. By learning both techniques one can have more fun on the dance floor. We recommend the students who learn dancing quickly to learn both roles. Both girls and guys can chose to learn to lead or to follow.

What happens if I miss a lesson?
At our practice hours you can often catch up with what you have missed. It is also a good idea to come to the social dances at Dansens Hus on Saturdays and ask the instructors and other course participants there to help you. Sometimes we hold the same class on different days and you can catch up with the other group.

If you miss too many lessons you can always complete your course later on in another semester.

Am I too young/old?
For the couple dances about 60% of the participants are between 20 and 35 years old. Among the other third there are about the same precentage of younger and older students. In the solodanced (Street, Jazz) the participants are usually younger.

Age in itself has only a secondary importance when it comes to learning to dance. Having a previous dance background as well as the amount of practice put into the course is more important for how fast you can progress.
In those courses where we have age limits we can, in some cases, make exceptions within one year. Please contact us if uncertain

What does the classes look like?
It varies a lot from course to course. A typical lesson starts with repetition of the previous lessons and then we go on with new things. At the end of the lesson we try to give time for you to enjoy your new skills without disruption. Depending of the course we might also practice strength, coordination and vigility.

What to bring
Come as you are, preferably in something cool and comfortable. Bring some fruit to eat during the break. Also bring a bottle for water!

If you are going to dance with others it is appreciated if you use deodorants generously. Avoid, however, parfumes since some people are allergic towards that.

Shoes: As long as you do not use sandals or boots you will be alright. Read more about dancing shoes here.

Good music for practice?
In the left column on each course's website you can find suggestions for suitable music. Please let us know if you have more suggestions.

Why do some people dance differently from what I have learned in the course?
Here is an explanation in Swedish.

What can I do with my Studio-K Gift certificate?
It works as your payment for the course. Send it to us by snail mail or give it to us at the first lesson.

More information?
We will be glad to answer your questions. Please call or email us!

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 © Copyright 2025 Studio-K                                                  Sitemap Updated 2025-02-10